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2024-04-14 21:35:39

LOL英文名字大全(LOL Pure English ID)


League of Legends, commonly known as LOL, is a popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game developed and published by Riot Games. With millions of players worldwide, the game offers a diverse range of champions, each with their unique abilities and playstyles. One of the exciting aspects of playing LOL is creating a distinct and catchy English in-game username or ID. In this article, we have compiled an extensive list of LOL English IDs for you to choose from. So, let's dive into the world of creative and captivating LOL usernames!

1. The Classic and Timeless:

- ShadowBlade

- Nightfall

- PhoenixRising

- EternalFlame

- Thunderstrike

- Frostbite

- Stormbringer

- MoonlightDancer

- SoulReaper

- SilverArrow

2. The Mysterious and Enigmatic:

- PhantomWhisper

- MidnightMystic

- EnigmaMaster

- VeiledShadow

- CrypticCipher

- MysticOracle

- SilentSpecter

- ShadowWalker

- NebulaDreamer

- EnchantedWhisper

3. The Powerful and Dominant:

- WarlordTitan

- DominusMaximus

- ThunderousFury

- IronGiant

- RavagerDestroyer

- VengeanceBringer

- SupremeConqueror

- UnstoppableForce

- BattleBerserker

- MightyOverlord

4. The Magical and Mystical:

- ArcaneSorcerer

- MysticMage

- EnchantressWitch

- SorcerySpellbound

- CelestialWizard

- EnigmaEnchanter

- ElementalDruid

- IllusionistMage

- MysticCharmcaster

- AstralSummoner

5. The Stealthy and Cunning:

- ShadowStalker

- StealthAssassin

- SilentNinja

- PhantomStriker

- NightshadeRogue

- SneakySaboteur

- ElusiveShadow

- ShadowbladeAssassin

- GhostlyInfiltrator

- SlySerpent

6. The Heroic and Valiant:

- LegendaryHero

- CourageousKnight

- ValiantDefender

- NobleChampion

- HeroicGuardian

- GallantWarrior

- BraveHeart

- DaringSwordsman

- FearlessCrusader

- EpicAvenger

7. The Nature-inspired:

- ForestGuardian

- Nature'sWhisper

- VerdantGrove

- EarthboundDruid

- WildwoodWanderer

- EnchantedFlora

- SereneMeadow

- FloralSorceress

- TranquilBreeze

- WhisperingWillow

8. The Futuristic and Technological:

- CyberNinja

- TechnoMage

- FuturisticGunner

- DigitalWarrior

- RoboKnight

- NeonStriker

- MechPilot

- CyborgAssassin

- TechnoWizard

- FuturisticGamer


Choosing a memorable and captivating English ID in LOL can enhance your gaming experience and make you stand out among millions of players. We have presented a diverse range of options, from classic and timeless names to mysterious and enigmatic ones, from powerful and dominant IDs to magical and mystical ones, from stealthy and cunning names to heroic and valiant ones, and even nature-inspired and futuristic IDs. Remember, your ID is your identity in the virtual world of LOL, so choose wisely and let your creativity shine!
